
Intelligent Critique

AFFILIATIONS: Al ROBOLAB. University of Luxembourg
AUTHORS: Ayoub Nainia, Robert Frankle

Rate our AI Art Critic

These are some example texts that our Artificial Intelligence wrote to critique the artworks.
The aim was to train a program that not only visually describes what can be seen on the art, but also incorporating interpretation and judgement of the work of art.

Can a computer write art criticism?
This question was explored in the Intelligent Critique project in 2022. We’ve created a system called VIVO (Visual-Vocabulary pre-training) that can analyze and evaluate artwork, just like an art critic! To do this, we’re using technology that combines computer vision (the ability to see and understand images) with language processing (the ability to understand and generate text). It’s like teaching a computer to understand and appreciate art and be able to write about it!

Comparison to results using a more modern technology (2024)
The rise of tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Sora AI and more occured thanks to the technology of Large Language Models (LLM), an AI system that is able to understand and use language like humans and can link this power to music, videos and to images. These models, however, need large data-centers to run, making them more expensive and use more energy. You can have a look at the results of tasking the AI Program Gemini 1.5 Flash from Google in June 2024 with the same task of writing a critique to the provided artworks right here: