

Take your computer science journey to the next level by connecting with experts, attending events and collaborating with like-minded individuals. Join now!

Hey there! Are you looking for some inspiration and guidance for your studies and your future career? Whether you are interested in computer science, fashion design or any other field, having a role model can provide motivation, guidance, and valuable insights into the industry. In our (S)he did IT series, we have asked people at different stages in their careers to share their stories with you.


Are you ready for some exciting events? Join us for some awesome experiences that will have you feeling pumped and inspired. From coding workshops to leadership conferences, we have got something for everyone. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to learn, grow and connect with other amazing teens like yourself. Check out our upcoming events and get ready to have some fun!

Monday, October 21 - Thursday, October 24, 2024
Scienteens Academy in Computer Science
During four days, they get to try their hand at creative coding, neural networks and programming robots, with workshops such as “Art & AI”, “Are computers blind?” and “Think, talk and act like a robot”. They meet researchers from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) and the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) of the University of Luxembourg and learn more about their research work on autonomous robots and intelligent automation systems. For example, the participants visit the Automation & Robotics group with its robot dog, the Parallel Computing and Optimisation group and its drones, the LunaLab where moon rovers are tested, the Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory and more.
Monday, October 21 - Thursday, October 24, 2024

You are between 12 and 19 years old and you are looking for answers on a subject related to computer science.
Ask a question and the Scienteens Lab’s team will answer with the help of researchers from the University of Luxembourg.
The “Ask a researcher” initiative is open to all high school students in the Greater Region and their teachers.

The Scienteens Lab offers four computer science workshops for secondary school classes. They focus on topics such as artificial intelligence and robotics. They take place on Campus Belval, under the supervision of the Scienteens Lab’s team.

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